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Tempted by Temping?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 3 years ago

The opportunities which become available to Thrive Group candidates are many and varied. To begin with, they will often be in the form of temporary work. The reasons for this are largely due to the workforce management role that the Thrive Group plays for its clients.

Should the Thrive Group candidate remain in position for long enough, be suited to the role and wish to remain in the post then the Thrive Group will often see its candidates move on to become permanent staff at the client employer. Having employees begin as temporary workers, with a later move to permanent roles is a common way for employers to determine the commitment and suitability of employees. While a permanent role can often be the goal, there are a great many benefits to temporary work itself which can suit people for all kinds of reasons.

  • Temporary work can provide variety, which helps to build on and improve candidates’ all-important experience.

  • Temporary roles also offer flexibility to the employees, who can more easily change and tweak roles to suit their lifestyles.

  • Time spent working temporary roles gives candidates a chance to learn about different job sectors and pick up skills specific to certain roles which they can then draw on and impress with should another similar temporary job then occur later in their careers.

  • Knowledge of what the requirements and characteristics of different sectors and roles allows candidates to be more sure about what sort of roles they will aim to apply for and take in the future and how they can best showcase their skills.

  • Temporary jobs still come with the same legal protections offered to all employees across the UK. In addition to the legal protections, Thrive Group workers can access a host of benefits, through the Thrive app.

Find out more about the benefits of working for Thrive >

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